Saturday, May 18, 2013

Blog Every day in May Challenge.

Today's Topic is :Tell a story from your childhood. I know it says "childhood" but this is my blog, and I can do what I want.  The (hopefully) short story I share here is from my adulthood.  It may seem sad at first..but wait! It gets good!

Last June there was a death in the family.  It was someone that most of us (us meaning the grandkids and various family members) were close to.  He was awesome.  The trip down to Florida (from Westchester) for the event required me to make a few side trips and meet up  first with family.  I have no car. At all.  I left my hubby and daughter at home, and made my way out to LI to meet with my cousins.  From there we'd fly (i HATE FLYING), down to Florida to meet with the rest of the family for the funeral. The trip to LI was a mini trip in iteslf, it required two trains (four if you count the subway) and total, was a 3 hour trip.  Once I arrived my (favorite..I can say that now) cousin K met me, and ..we actually had fun.

I know. Fun during a sad time. Its terrible right?

My grandma (equally awesome) set us all up in a hotel.  K and I had our own SUITE.  And us girls, both in our mid twenties had a blast.  I claimed the bed by the window (I am I called dibs), we ordered forty dollars worth of pizza, played UNO and talked until ..well at least 2 am.  It was a bonding expierience. (The next night , we swam at night in the pool.-just us cousins.  I felt like such a rule breaker)

We went about the funeral, and spent time with family. Grandpa wouldnt have wanted us to be sad..and there were sad moments..but his passing brought us all together, and that's what he would have wanted.

So many good things came out of the trip.  Hubby and N had a BLAST without me.  K and I are still unbelievably close, and Grandma is doing fine.   Even in moments of sadness there can be joy! K and I have decided to take a mini vacay ourselves (this time without the sadness in the middle).

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